Chapecó 104th Anniversary - Part 2

A Cooperativa dos Madeireiros do Vale do Uruguai disponibiliza investimentos para fazer uma estrada que levaria as carretas que transportavam as toras que, por sua vez, seriam levadas de balsa até o rio do Prata. A madeira passa a ser, então, uma importante moeda, de tal forma que um madeireiro chapecoense torna-se presidente do INP – Instituto Nacional do Pinho.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to invite you to start our trip across Brazil. We will travel safe and comfortable. Take your seats, connect your desktops, laptops or smartphones. Our first stop will be Santa Catarina, more specifically the capital city, Florianópolis: the Island of Magic.
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Snowvalley in Santa Catarina
Every December we are sure of one thing: movies about Christmas with lots of snow! For those accustomed with that, it´s just another Christmas film. For us Brazilians it much more than that, it’s the dream Christmas. As in December it is summer time in Brazil it’s virtually impossible to enjoy snow for Christmas unless we go abroad.
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Capital city of Ceara State, Fortaleza was founded in 1726. The city has a very interesting geographic localization: just 5.608 km far from Lisbon, in Europe and 5.566km from Miami in USA.
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