Autism is a syndrome and its symbol is a puzzle ribbon, this fact alone can tell us how complex it is.
Think about that colleague of yours who is shy, hardly ever understands a joke and is extremely focused on his work, he might have Asperger's.
Asperger's represent the most subtle and most able end of the autism spectrum because they become independent adults and display exceptional gifts.
Asperger's generally involve:
- Difficulty with social interactions
- Restricted interests
- Desire for sameness
- Distinctive strengths
Strengths can include:
- Remarkable focus and persistence
- Aptitude for recognizing patterns
- Attention to detail
Challenges can include:
- Hypersensitivities (to lights, sounds, tastes, etc.)
- Difficulty with the give and take of conversation
- Difficulty with nonverbal conversation skills (distance, loudness, tone, etc.)
- Uncoordinated movements, or clumsiness
- Anxiety and depression
The tendencies described above vary widely among people. Many learn to overcome their challenges by building on strengths.
Though the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome is no longer used, many previously diagnosed people still identify strongly and positively with being an “Aspie.”
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