Equipotel 2018

In September we were once again present at the Equipotel fair. There were 4 intense days of fair, busy stand, exchange of knowledge and opportunity to be in contact with our already clients, in addition to presenting the products Desbravador to the general public. Among the highlights for the event this year were the Desbravador Light Web, a 100% solution in the cloud, focused on small and medium-sized hotels, a system that has won a wide market and satisfied users with the new technology. The great launch for this edition was the Desbravador 4.5 - Hotel Management, taking with it 05 years of development and a team of more than 100 professionals, the proposal of Desbravador for this product is that it comes to update and innovate the concepts of hotel management , and public feedback during the fair, shows us that we are on the right track.
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